Welcome to Garry's Camera Repair

We are an on-line based camera repair facility specializing in service and repair of all major 35mm SLR brands, as well as wide variety of Digital cameras. Our repair prices are very competitive and all services are done on premises. We offer great quality, flat-rate estimates, 7-day turnaround time, and 90-day warranty on all repairs.
We recently launched a Youtube channel dedicated to demonstrating some basic and more complicated camera repair procedures and services. We'll try to publish them as time allows. Please visit our channel to subscribe - www.youtube.com/@GarrysCameraRepair

Repair and Service of Manual SLR Cameras

We service just about any brand and model of 35mm Manual SLR cameras from the early 1960's through the end of the 1990's. Legendary cameras such as Minolta SRT and X-Series, Canon FT and A-series.

Repair and Service of Auto SLR cameras

We provide comprehensive repair service for a wide variety of classic and modern 35mm Auto SLR cameras. The entire line of Upper-Mid range and Mid range of Canon EOS series, Minolta Maxxums, and Pentax ZX models.

D-SLR Sensor Cleaning Special $88.00

A dirty sensor in your Digital SLR can leave spots on your pictures. We will clean the sensor and perform thorough external cleaning of your camera. Valid for any D-SLR make or model.